
Archive for July 16th, 2009

Are We On “Notice”?

Obama the smokerRecently, President B. Hussein Obama returned to the United States from his most recent apology tour and put us “on notice” of his intention to get his massive healthcare reform package through Congress.  Mr. President, thank you for putting us on “notice” of your intention to confiscate more money from hard working American men and women to build your utopian health care system.  Hey, socialized medicine has worked wonders for the Canadians and the Europeans. 

Where is the voice of common sense in this healthcare debate?  Who is going to stand up for middle class Americans who are going to be stuck with the bill for this mess and every other feel good, warm and fuzzy big government program that the B. Hussein Obama administration is advocating?  What’s the deal?  Mr. President, with all due respect, we are putting you on notice of the following:

1.  We are Americans and we do not apologize for being American.

2.  The United States is a Christian nation.

3.  We believe in the equality of opportunity, not equality of outcome.

4.  We believe in lower taxes and less government.

5.  We believe in free market economics, not taxpayer bailouts.

6.  We believe in hard work, not the narcotic of welfare.

7.  We believe in a strong national defense capable of defending our homeland and American interest around the world.

8.  We believe in fighting terrorist, not negotiating with them.

9.  We believe in protecting unborn children, not partial birth abortion.

10.  We believe marriage is between a man and a woman.  (Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve)

11.  We believe in punishing criminals.

12.  We believe in the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.

13.  We believe in border security, not amnesty for illegal aliens.

14.  We are Republicans by choice, Americans by the grace of Almighty God.

Warmest regards,

Joey Stevens

St. Clair County Republican Party, Chairman

  Flag Elephant Combo

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